How To Improve Male Fertility & Sperm Quality, From An Expert –

Posted: September 7, 2020 at 5:51 am

From a scientific standpoint, the jury is still out on why exactly sperm count and quality are declining. Nevertheless, there is one highly likely culprit: modern life.

What is it about modern life that is wreaking havoc on male fertility?

Try something with me: Search your minds eye for a vivid movie of what your day looked like yesterday? Conjure up every detail you can: what you did, what you thought, what you worried about, what you consumed, how often you sat and what you were doing while sitting, and the details of the environment surrounding you.

Now do the same for an ordinary day in your grandfathers life when he was your age. This will require some imagination on your part, but consider the differences in what your grandfather did, what he thought and worried about, what he consumed, how often he sat and what he was doing while sitting, and the details of the environment surrounding your grandfather.

The difference between routines is where you can start to get a sense of what factors of modern life are taking such a toll on male fertility. (And female fertility, too.) Here are a few to consider:

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How To Improve Male Fertility & Sperm Quality, From An Expert -

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