Health screenings, individualized health plans, education, food and demonstrations to highlight 2020 Idaho State University Health Fair – Idaho State…

Posted: March 1, 2020 at 4:48 am

Annual Health Fair to be held March 5 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the Pond Student Union Ballroom

POCATELLO Continuing a 30-year tradition, the Idaho State University Health Fair will provide education and activities designed to help anyone with the goal of improving their health and quality of life. Among the highlights for 2020 are live food demonstrations, educational health and wellness information booths staffed by ISU students and staff, and free or reduced-cost health screenings.

The 2020 ISU Health Fair will take place from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. March 5 at the ISU Pond Student Union and will showcase Kasiska Division of Health Sciences (KDHS) clinics. KDHS faculty and students will offerfree health screening services, including blood pressure screenings, point-of-service diabetes screening tests (blood glucose [sugar] and A1c), foot exams, dental screenings, hearing screenings and medication reviews.

Services available at the KDHS Clinics health-screening event are as follows:

After visiting the screening stations, attendees can talk with a health action plan team that includes ISU dietetic faculty and students to answer nutrition and lifestyle questions. ISU clinic personnel, KDHS faculty and students, and Health West ISU care coordinators can review screening results and provide recommendations for follow-up appointments.

As always, the 2020 ISU Health Fair will offer learning centers, educational booths, and displays from ISU programs and community businesses.

Food demonstrations will be offered throughout the day by ISU nutrition and dietetic students:

9 a.m.: Smoothies

10:30 a.m.: Energy bites

Noon: Heart-healthy and diabetes-friendly lunch sampler

1:30 p.m.: Easy salsa with tortilla chips

3 p.m.: Veggies with hummus or Greek yogurt dip

As in previous years, discounted laboratory services will also be available throughout the month of February and at the Health Fair, this year offered by Portneuf Medical Center. Blood screenings at the ISU Health Fair are always offered at reduced rates. Attendees can have all of the following tests performed:

Other blood screening tests are available. Individuals interested in having screening tests done can either have their blood drawn during the month of February at Portneuf Medical Center or the day of ISU Health Fair. Participants do not need to be fasting to have their blood drawn. Blood draws are available all day from 8 a.m. -to 6 p.m. during the ISU Health Fair.

Pre-Health Fair blood draws are available Feb. 1 through March 4 at the Portneuf Medical Center Laboratory Services, Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Results for blood work drawn at Portneuf Medical Center Laboratory Services by March 1 will be available for pick-up and review at the ISU Health Fair and can be reviewed by a KDHS faculty or Health West Health Action Plan team member.

Post-Health Fair blood draws are available March 6 through March 15 at the Portneuf Medical Center Laboratory Services, Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Event parking is free in the Pond Student Union parking lot during the time of the ISU Health Fair. Additionally, a free shuttle service will be available from the Holt Arena to the Pond Student Union to allow for additional parking. The last shuttle leaves the Pond Student Union at 5:40 p.m.

For more information, visitISU Health Fair.

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Health screenings, individualized health plans, education, food and demonstrations to highlight 2020 Idaho State University Health Fair - Idaho State...

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