CRISPR Therapeutics AG [CRSP] Revenue clocked in at $77.40 million, up 99.57% YTD: Whats Next? – The DBT News

Posted: November 30, 2020 at 7:01 pm

CRISPR Therapeutics AG [NASDAQ: CRSP] jumped around 11.55 points on Friday, while shares priced at $121.55 at the close of the session, up 10.50%. The company report on November 24, 2020 that CRISPR Therapeutics to Participate in the Piper Sandler 32nd Annual Virtual Healthcare Conference.

CRISPR Therapeutics (Nasdaq: CRSP), a biopharmaceutical company focused on creating transformative gene-based medicines for serious diseases, announced that members of its senior management team are scheduled to participate in the Piper Sandler 32nd Annual Virtual Healthcare Conference on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, at 9:30 a.m. ET.

A live webcast of the event will be available on the Events & Presentations page in the Investors section of the Companys website at A replay of the webcast will be archived on the Companys website for 14 days following the presentation.

CRISPR Therapeutics AG stock is now 99.57% up from its year-to-date (YTD) trading value. CRSP Stock saw the intraday high of $124.43 and lowest of $110.355 per share. The companys 52-week high price is 111.90, which means current price is +276.32% above from all time high which was touched on 11/27/20.

Compared to the average trading volume of 903.62K shares, CRSP reached a trading volume of 1124305 in the most recent trading day, which is why market watchdogs consider the stock to be active.

Based on careful and fact-backed analyses by Wall Street experts, the current consensus on the target price for CRSP shares is $102.63 per share. Analysis on target price and performance of stocks is usually carefully studied by market experts, and the current Wall Street consensus on CRSP stock is a recommendation set at 2.20. This rating represents a strong Buy recommendation, on the scale from 1 to 5, where 5 would mean strong sell, 4 represents Sell, 3 is Hold, and 2 indicates Buy.

RBC Capital Mkts have made an estimate for CRISPR Therapeutics AG shares, keeping their opinion on the stock as Sector Perform, with their previous recommendation back on October 23, 2020. While these analysts kept the previous recommendation, BofA Securities raised their target price to Buy. The new note on the price target was released on October 05, 2020, representing the official price target for CRISPR Therapeutics AG stock. Previously, the target price had yet another raise from $84 to $105, while Needham kept a Buy rating on CRSP stock.

The Average True Range (ATR) for CRISPR Therapeutics AG is set at 5.67, with the Price to Sales ratio for CRSP stock in the period of the last 12 months amounting to 100.41. The Price to Book ratio for the last quarter was 6.35, with the Price to Cash per share for the same quarter was set at 21.36.

CRISPR Therapeutics AG [CRSP] gain into the green zone at the end of the last week, gaining into a positive trend and gaining by 11.27. With this latest performance, CRSP shares gained by 28.34% in over the last four-week period, additionally plugging by 82.53% over the last 6 months not to mention a rise of 78.46% in the past year of trading.

Overbought and oversold stocks can be easily traced with the Relative Strength Index (RSI), where an RSI result of over 70 would be overbought, and any rate below 30 would indicate oversold conditions. An RSI rate of 50 would represent a neutral market momentum. The current RSI for CRSP stock in for the last two-week period is set at 74.92, with the RSI for the last a single of trading hit 82.45, and the three-weeks RSI is set at 68.66 for CRISPR Therapeutics AG [CRSP]. The present Moving Average for the last 50 days of trading for this stock 96.86, while it was recorded at 112.25 for the last single week of trading, and 74.64 for the last 200 days.

Operating Margin for any stock indicates how profitable investing would be, and CRISPR Therapeutics AG [CRSP] shares currently have an operating margin of +16.14. CRISPR Therapeutics AGs Net Margin is presently recorded at +23.09.

Return on Total Capital for CRSP is now 6.75, given the latest momentum, and Return on Invested Capital for the company is 9.72. Return on Equity for this stock inclined to 10.04, with Return on Assets sitting at 8.59. When it comes to the capital structure of this company, CRISPR Therapeutics AG [CRSP] has a Total Debt to Total Equity ratio set at 5.59. Additionally, CRSP Total Debt to Total Capital is recorded at 5.30, with Total Debt to Total Assets ending up at 4.93. Long-Term Debt to Equity for the company is recorded at 4.69, with the Long-Term Debt to Total Capital now at 4.44.

Reflecting on the efficiency of the workforce at the company, CRISPR Therapeutics AG [CRSP] managed to generate an average of $219,928 per employee. Receivables Turnover for the company is 135.10 with a Total Asset Turnover recorded at a value of 0.37.CRISPR Therapeutics AGs liquidity data is similarly interesting compelling, with a Quick Ratio of 16.50 and a Current Ratio set at 16.50.

With the latest financial reports released by the company, CRISPR Therapeutics AG posted 0.51/share EPS, while the average EPS was predicted by analysts to be reported at -0.63/share. When compared, the two values demonstrate that the company surpassed the estimates by a Surprise Factor of 181.00%. The progress of the company may be observed through the prism of EPS growth rate, while Wall Street analysts are focusing on predicting the 5-year EPS growth rate for CRSP.

There are presently around $5,761 million, or 69.30% of CRSP stock, in the hands of institutional investors. The top three institutional holders of CRSP stocks are: ARK INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LLC with ownership of 8,457,320, which is approximately 30.449% of the companys market cap and around 1.30% of the total institutional ownership; CAPITAL INTERNATIONAL INVESTORS, holding 7,394,274 shares of the stock with an approximate value of $898.77 million in CRSP stocks shares; and NIKKO ASSET MANAGEMENT AMERICAS, INC., currently with $449.45 million in CRSP stock with ownership of nearly -0.385% of the companys market capitalization.

Positions in CRISPR Therapeutics AG stocks held by institutional investors increased at the end of October and at the time of the October reporting period, where 165 institutional holders increased their position in CRISPR Therapeutics AG [NASDAQ:CRSP] by around 12,811,732 shares. Additionally, 122 investors decreased positions by around 4,673,961 shares, while 56 investors held positions by with 29,914,080 shares. The mentioned changes placed institutional holdings at 47,399,773 shares, according to the latest SEC report filing. CRSP stock had 69 new institutional investments in for a total of 1,942,641 shares, while 36 institutional investors sold positions of 1,051,583 shares during the same period.

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CRISPR Therapeutics AG [CRSP] Revenue clocked in at $77.40 million, up 99.57% YTD: Whats Next? - The DBT News

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