What You Need to Know About the New CRISPR Cancer Treatment – BOSS Magazine

Posted: May 11, 2017 at 1:44 am

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The researchers at the University of Pittsburgh have just used the CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing system to forever revolutionize the fight against cancer.

The treatmentwhen used on micewas shown to shrink aggressive tumors and increase survival rates without harming healthy cells. Meaning only cancer cells are attacked, effectively leaving healthy cells unharmed.

CRISPR Cancer Treatment Explained The CRISPR cancer treatment targets fusion genes, which are mutations created when two genes combine to form one hybridoften leading to cancer.

Previously, researchers found MAN2A1-FER, a fusion gene known to be associated with prostate, liver, lung, and ovarian cancer. It also contributes to thegrowth and spread of these tumors.

The unique DNA fingerprint of fusion genes could, however, be its own downfall with the CRISPR cancer treatment targeting specific DNA sequences. The treatment seeks out fusion gene patterns and replaces them with cancer-killing ones.

This is the first time that gene editing has been used to specifically target cancer fusion genes, saidJian-Hua Luo, lead author of the study. Luo added:

The tool lays the groundwork for what could become a totally new approach to treating cancer. Other types of cancer treatments target the foot soldiers of the army. Our approach is to target the command center, so there is no chance for the enemys soldiers to regroup in the battlefield for a comeback.

To test the technique, Luos team transplanted human liver and prostate cancer cells into mice and treated one group with the CRISPR cancer tool to target those fusion genes. The second group was given the same treatment targeting fusion genes that they didnt carry.

From the first group, the mices tumors shrunk up to 30 percent, didnt spread to throughout the body, and all the mice survived the eight-week test.

Meanwhile, the second group had the mices tumors grow nearly 40 times larger, spreading to other parts of the body in most cases. None of the mice in this group made it to the end of the test period.Big Plans For CRISPR-Cas9 The genome editing system has already proven itself to be an incredible tool, giving us new and amazing ways to battle muscular dystrophy, blindness, and HIV.

By also editing human immune cells to more efficiently battle cancer cells, the CRISPR cancer treatment has now been used in human trials.

It truly is an exciting time in the world of medical research as developments continue showing that the CRISPR cancer technique can remit cancer cells.

Despite this, researchers have bigger plans for the CRISPR cancer technique. They plan on testing further in hopes of completely eradicating cancer.

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What You Need to Know About the New CRISPR Cancer Treatment - BOSS Magazine

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