RICKY HONABLUE – Spinal Cord Injury – Video

Posted: December 2, 2012 at 12:42 pm

RICKY HONABLUE - Spinal Cord Injury
When a car jumped the sidewalk and hit 2-year-old Ricky Honablue head on, his mother #39;s world was shattered in an instant. Ricky suffered a severe spinal cord injury and was paralyzed from the chest down. A few years after the accident, the Honablue family moved to Michigan. Ricky receives weekly physical therapy at the Children #39;s Hospital of Michigan and is actually walking using a special brace called an RGO (Reciprocating Gait Orthosis.) While his wheelchair is still his most convenient mode of transportation, the ability to walk gives Ricky a sense of freedom and joy that can only come from standing on your own two feet.From:ChildrensDMCViews:1 0ratingsTime:07:22More inEducation

Originally posted here:
RICKY HONABLUE - Spinal Cord Injury - Video

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