Blood cancer symptoms: Watch out for this sign at night – it could be the deadly disease – Express

Posted: March 20, 2020 at 11:45 am

Blood cancer prevents your blood cells from functioning properly. Which symptom, that appears at night, could signal you may have the deadly disease?

When stem cells in your bone marrow which creates red blood cells mutates, the blood cells may grow abnormally or fail to die when they should this is cancerous cells.

There are three main types of blood cancer: leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma.

These types of blood cancers affect different cells: leukaemia is the name given when white blood cells become cancerous; lymphoma happens certain white blood cells are affected; and myeloma is when plasma cells become cancerous.

Drenching night sweats is one symptom of the blood cancer lymphoma.

It's currently not known why this happens for this certain type of cancer.

The NHS states: "Night sweats are when you sweat so much that your night clothes and bedding are soaking wet, even though where you're sleeping is cool."

Bloodwise list other symptoms of blood cancer, which include unexplained bruising or bleeding.

In addition to these symptoms, Bloodwise list the following as symptoms of blood cancer:

An unexplained rash, bruising or bleeding is caused by low levels of blood-clotting cells.

The rash could be purple in colour (purpura), and the bruising could be tiny pin-sized red spots on the skin, called petechiae.

Lumps and swelling may be caused by abnormal white blood cells building up in lymph nodes. This is most noticeable in the neck, groin and armpit.

Read more:
Blood cancer symptoms: Watch out for this sign at night - it could be the deadly disease - Express

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