Christopher Saint – Water quality management – it can be in the genes – Knowledge Works – Video

Posted: May 11, 2012 at 1:11 pm

09-05-2012 19:22 Humanity faces increasing problems around the supply and quality of water. The dual implications of an ever expanding population, combined with the threat of climate change, makes water a precious commodity. Delving deep into the composition of water however, may help its preservation into the future. In this presentation, Professor Chris Saint will share examples from his research where gene technology has been applied to identify and record microorganisms that cause problems in our water supplies. These include blue-green algae and protozoan parasites such as Cryptosporidium. For the first time DNA tests are being developed to rapidly assess the risk that these organisms present to drinking water consumers. Research has also demonstrated that not all bugs in water are bad -- some can be used to breakdown key pollutants, leading to a possibility of using bacteria to clean up our water supplies. Professor Saint will discuss how these discoveries will lead the way in monitoring water quality, and share his thoughts on what the future holds in this area.

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Christopher Saint - Water quality management - it can be in the genes - Knowledge Works - Video

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