Cancer Breakthrough – Breakthrough for Cancer – Video

Posted: January 24, 2013 at 10:44 am

Cancer Breakthrough - Breakthrough for Cancer
Cancer Breakthrough. Welcome to today #39;s issue of cancer uncensored. Hi, I #39;m Chris, and I am the author of cancer uncensored, a step-by-step guide to cancer prevention, early detection and cancer survival. In today #39;s video,I would like to give you an overview of cancer. I #39;m going to briefly talk about exactly what cancer is, what causes it, what the symptoms are, how you can actively avoid it. I will also go over current treatment procedures and alternative treatment. I #39;ll also let you know where you can go to obtain the most up-to-date news and breakthroughs. Before we get stuck in, I ought to address two points Firstly, most people are afraid of cancer. I can fully understand that, as my wife has cancer, but as a society, we must not let the dread of the condition prevent us from taking steps to understand it, as that way we can actively prevent it. One in three of us will be diagnosed with cancer during our lifetimes, and yet 85% of cancer is preventable! This video, and my book, cancer uncensored, can tell you how. So take in as much of this data as you can, as it could save your life. Secondly, you need to realise that cancer isn #39;t entirely understood. We have quite a few very solid theories, and lots of study data, but if cancer was fully understood, we might be closer to a cure. To quote Thomas Edison, "The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition." But as ...

By: CancerUncensored

Originally posted here:
Cancer Breakthrough - Breakthrough for Cancer - Video

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