Ask Dr. K: Bone marrow can save a life – Tue, 03 Mar 2015 PST

Posted: March 3, 2015 at 12:45 pm

Anthony L. Komaroff M.D.

DEAR DOCTOR K: I have leukemia. Thankfully, a family member was a bone marrow match. Can you tell me what to expect during my bone marrow transplantprocedure?

DEAR READER: A bone marrow transplant can be a life-saving treatment. To understand how it works, you need to understand how blood cells are created. And what leukemiais.

Your blood contains red and white blood cells. There are several types of white blood cells, which are a key part of your immune system. All your blood cells are made by blood stem cells, which live primarily in the spongy center of

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DEAR DOCTOR K: I have leukemia. Thankfully, a family member was a bone marrow match. Can you tell me what to expect during my bone marrow transplantprocedure?

DEAR READER: A bone marrow transplant can be a life-saving treatment. To understand how it works, you need to understand how blood cells are created. And what leukemiais.

Your blood contains red and white blood cells. There are several types of white blood cells, which are a key part of your immune system. All your blood cells are made by blood stem cells, which live primarily in the spongy center of your bigbones.

In the years before you got leukemia, each of your blood cells was programmed to live for a while, and then to die only to be replaced by new, youngcells.

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Ask Dr. K: Bone marrow can save a life - Tue, 03 Mar 2015 PST

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