Crispr | Definition of Crispr by Merriam-Webster

Posted: June 9, 2017 at 10:41 am

2 : a gene editing technique in which CRISPR and the RNA segments and enzymes it produces are used to identify and modify specific DNA sequences in the genome of other organisms Just a few years after its invention, CRISPR gene editing is already having a major impact on biomedical research. It makes it easy to turn off genes one at a time, to see what they do. It can introduce specific mutations, to find out why they make cells cancerous or predispose people to diseases. And it can be used to tinker with the genes of plants and animals Michael Le Page Using CRISPR, they have now disabled four rice genes, suggesting that the technique could be used to engineer this crucial food crop. Elizabeth Pennisi Scientists hope Crispr might also be used for genomic surgery, as it were, to correct errant genes that cause disease. Andrew Pollack The technique is sometimes called CRISPRCas9, which includes the name of the enzyme that cleaves DNA. an incredibly fast-paced field in which laboratories around the world have used CRISPR-Cas9 to edit genomes of a wide range of cell types and organisms. Jennifer A. Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier

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Crispr | Definition of Crispr by Merriam-Webster

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