The Benefits of Using Growth Factors from Human Stem Cells …

Posted: June 2, 2016 at 6:42 pm

Submitted by Lifeline Skin Care on Wed, 2013-05-15 00:00

Biologists are working diligently to find ways to repair diseased tissues or spinal cord injuries with stem cells. Scientists dont have all of those answers yet, but heres what they have figured out: how to repair skin aging with stem cells. Front and center of all of that attention is Lifeline Skin Carethe first anti-aging skin care brand based on human, non-embryonic stem cells.

Human stem cells have the remarkable ability to develop into many different cell types in the bodylungs, liver, hair, skin, etc. But as we get older, the role of stem cells changesand stem cells become the chief repair mechanism for tissue that has become aged, injured or damaged. Adult stem cells remain dormant until they detect cellular damage; then they work to repair or replace the damaged cell. Its this ability that makes stem cells of great interest in repairing skin aging.

The nutrient-rich growth factors, peptides and proteins that are contained in the stem cells are the workhorses for skin repair. The growth factors are responsible for cellular growth, proliferation and repair. They play an important role in maintaining healthy skin structure and function. They help repair wounds; they help promote the formation of collagen; they help regenerate new, healthy tissue. The result: reduced hyperpigmentation, enhanced elasticity, and reduced fine lines and wrinkles.

The genes that are most important to the health and appearance of the skin are Elastin, Collagen, Epidermal Growth Factors, Keratinocyte Growth Factors and Fibroblast Growth Factors.

Laboratory studies showed how exposure to Lifeline creams can increase the expression level of key proteins:

Collagen is the most important protein and provides structure and firmness to the skin. Lifelines stem cell extract increased collagen 42%-55%.

Elastin is responsible for load-bearing and elasticity. Its crucial for keeping skin smooth, supple, firm and tight. The key ingredient in Lifelines stem cell extract increased elastin 46%.

Epidermal growth factors (EGF) stimulate cells to divide. Its natural for skin cells to continue to divide, but with age this process slows. Epidermal growth factors help speed up the renewal process, speeding the production of new, healthy skin cells. The stem cell growth factors contained in Lifelines stem cell extract increased EGF a remarkable 436%.

Keratinocyte growth factors (KGF) help repair injured skin by stimulating cellular proliferation.The stem cell growth factors contained in Lifelines stem cell extract increased KGF 58%.

Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) help repair damaged tissue and promote wound healing. They also play an important role in repairing post-procedural skin damage. The growth factors contained in Lifelines stem cell extract increased FGF 200%.

Lifeline Skin Care serums contain human stem cell growth factors which are taken from human, non-embryonic stem cells. It is this mixture that regulates collagen, elastin and cell proliferation, making the skin cells healthier, stronger and younger-looking.

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